The competent academic and technical staff the HEPP Research Group are involved in advanced studies on High Energy Physics, Particle Physics, Particle Detectors and Particle Accelerators.
The local laboratory infrastructure to conduct R&D in these fields together with various externally funded projects (TÜBİTAK, TENMAK, TÜSEB) and memberships in world-class international research collaborations offer unique opportunities to PhD students as well.
Istinye University is a member of four (ATLAS, CAST, DRD1, FCC) collaborations at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory, one (BESIII) experiment at the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and one (sr-EDM) experiment under preparation at the US Brookhaven National Laboratory as well as the COST action CosmicWISPers.
Measurement of average magnetic field along the particle accelerator beam line using K-modulation technique (2023-2026) / TÜBİTAK (1001)
Study of the Potential of Scintillation Powders and Optical Media for Cosmic Neutron Detection (2024-2027) / TÜBİTAK (1001)
Development of Gamma Probe with Active Shielding (2021-2023) / TÜBİTAK (1005)
Production and Characterization of Plastic Scintallors doped with Lithium Tetraborate Nanoparticles (2024-2026) / TÜBİTAK (1005)
Construction of a Novel Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensor Prototype for Measuring Soil Moisture over Large Areas (2022-2023) / TÜBİTAK (1512)
Ecological Improvement of Gases in Gaseous Particle Detectors (2024-2025) / TÜBİTAK (1002)
Development of a new generation hybrid gamma probe by integrating directional count and emission functions (2024-2026) / TÜSEB (B)
Data Taking, Data Analysis and Operation, Maintenance and Upgrade of Detector Systems at the CERN-ATLAS Experiment (2021-2024) / TENMAK (CERN)
Virtual Physics Laboratory Applications (Anadolu U.; 2024-2026) / Erasmus+ KA220-SCH
Cosmic WISPers in the Dark Universe (Bari U., Italy; 2022-2026) / COST Action CA21106
Development of Neutron Interaction Model with Gadolinium Doped Water Cherenkov Detector (Erciyes U.; 2022-2025) / TÜBİTAK (1001)
Customized Scintillator Production for Particle Accelerators and Detectors (Bogazici U.; 2022-2024) / TÜBİTAK (1005)
Jet Physics Analysis and HCAL-HGCAL Detector R&D at CERN's CMS Experiment (Yildiz Technical U.; 2024-2027) / TENMAK (CERN)